04-02-2013, 05:59 PM
If we want "Legend" vampires, anything air or chem related should not effect the "Dead". The reason is that a vampire is a dead human. The only way to keep themselves mobile and active is to to drink blood. They do not need air, sleep, warmth, anything that a normal, living human needs. Disease does not effect something that cannot keep it alive, chemicals that effect the living only should not effect something "dead" and in my opinion, blood should heal them. Now, vampires CAN breath, but it is not needed. There should be a on/off switch. Blood should heal them, as it is a source of life giving nourishment. All other added abilities can be taken into account, but the things I have mentioned SHOULD be used if we want something straight out of the legends. Also, Chemicals that do not distinguish between living and dead might be able to work on them though, mainly because those chemical reactions do not need living tissue to activate, and thus, would work on vampires as well.