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The Island: A Post-Communist Simulation (forum game)
Some lore:



In 1989 negotiations began on how to divide the Canadian Military. It quickly became clear that PEI would be given no modern heavy equipment.

Negotiations would see enough equipment for a large army, guns and other arms for a full 10,000 soldiers, but PEI specifically did not request any ships, tanks, or aircraft.

Rather, oddly, PEI requested the contents of the "National Defence Museum" in Ottawa, arguing it planned to use it for Tourism.

Museum curator and PEI local, James Reddin, had run the museum from 1944 through to 1957. Reddin, who though elderly, was still alive, told the government something that was not widely known.

Everything in the Museum was taken as-is. Nothing was disabled. Nothing was a replica. Doing so would have increased costs.

Once this was revealed in mid 1990, much of the equipment was sold back to places like Ontario, but a number of important pieces was kept, including...

1 P-51 "Mustang" Fighter-Bomber, designed during WW2, built in 1944

24 PCF Mark III "Siwft Boats" last used in Veitnam, built in 1971-1973

36 M3 Half-Tracks, used during WW2, built in 1941-1943
The Military has taken to referring to these as "Tanks"

The money from the sale of the remaining equipment was used to purchase 18 modern Blackhawk helicopters. These are "utility" craft and would be better at, for example, attacking civilians than it would be at defending against an outright military invasion.

As well, there is a W54 Nuclear Bomb in a glass case in the basement of Parliament.
Nobody is quite sure if it's a replica, or a real nuke. If it is, exploding it might cause the following
There is a very long-standing rumor that moving the bomb could trigger it, and an explosion that destroyed the Parliament buildings in Cardiff, Wales, in 1962, happened 15 minutes after Parliament had agreed to remove the bomb in it's basement.
There was a wire leading from the bomb to a direct line to Washington DC. This was common to all such bombs in Canada. After one was examined in Quebec City, it was determined how to safely disconnect the bomb from it's line, and so Washington no longer is able to detonate the device. However, wires connecting the bomb to the frame remain, and are suspected in causing the Cardiff explosion.

This equipment is shared between the the Navy and Coast Guard (which, for all intents and purposes, act as a single unit)
As well as the newly formed Police force (as the old Canadian police has been withdrawn, with their equipment. The old strategy was to never use local policemen to ensure government control, so, hundreds of Island born policemen have returned home, but without their equipment) and the Army (which, again, for all intents and purposes act as a single unit)
And the newly formed Air Force, which operates all Helicopters and "Entirety of the Fixed Wing Fleet"

One Russian analyst said of all this:
"Any invading force only has one thing to worry about and that's the Blackhawks. While the Mustang and Swiftboats could cause problems for an invader who does not expect any resistance, any foreign armed force would likely be ready to fight back. Despite this, these armed forces are amazingly well equipped to fight back against citizens, and with the massive over-abundance of guns, which are uncommon among the citizenry, could maintain a civil war against itself if it so choose. Any war that lasts longer than a day will show that the half-track, though ancient, is amazingly useful. The fact the vehicle can reach the speed limit on the highway on this Island also means it's deployment would cause minimal disruption."

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RE: The Island: A Post-Communist Simulation (forum game) - by TheNewTeddy - 11-14-2016, 01:54 PM

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