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[FEATURE] Mildly Useful Rubber Stamps
(08-30-2016, 12:15 PM)Mordent Wrote: Updated changes here, leaving original post for posterity.

  • Adds the ability to hit a rubber stamp with an ID to give it its "assignment" (e.g. "Geneticist", "Scientist", "Batman", "Lord of Darkness").
  • Application of acetone can unassign standard rubber stamps. My knowledge of the chemistry code is non-robust, so it works if you splash acetone on it but there may be other applications people want (droppers?).
  • Rubber stamps now have different modes (changeable by clicking the stamp while it's in your active hand):
    • Approved: [APPROVED], or [APPROVED (Botanist)]
    • Rejected: [REJECTED], or [REJECTED (Head of Security)]
    • Void: [VOID]
    • X: [X]
    • Current Time: [SHIFT TIME: 0:12:34] (in hours:minutes:seconds since shift start)
  • Can now stamp specific fields in paper forms (e.g. "Stamp here: ______") in the same way you would use a pen (confirmation dialogue, I'm not convinced this is needed).
  • Adds un-reassignable stamps in department head's offices (added to both Cogmap2 and Destiny), with unique coloration and fixed as the relevant assignment (Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Medical Director, Research Director).
  • Bonus HONK features.



Oh this is delightful, actually. Specific fields, stamp modes, holy shit. This is actually extremely nice.

codermins pls merge this immediately so I can be a horrible bureaucrat

EDIT: Where are (unassigned) stamps, anyway? Are they in the office supply closets?

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RE: [FEATURE] Mildly Useful Rubber Stamps - by Nnystyxx - 08-30-2016, 12:35 PM

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