07-24-2016, 08:51 AM
Blaska Ellstrom (Engineer) [145.9] says, "I just saw the wizard feed people into the PTL beam"
Blaska Ellstrom (Engineer) [145.9] says, "It was pretty brutal"
Throrvardr Finvardrardson has added the fire extinguisher to the backpack!
SHEEPY states, "Oh, there's another wizard now."
SHEEPY (AI) [145.9] states, "Oh, there's another wizard now."
Sorrel Fischer (Staff Assistant) [145.9] says, "Someone, help me at robotics"
Dayna Wise (Chief Engineer) [145.9] says, "Atleast the PTL is a quick painless death"
Blaska Ellstrom (Engineer) [145.9] says, "No it wasnnt"
Dayna Wise (Chief Engineer) [145.9] exclaims, "while your body explodes everywhere!"
Throrvardr Finvardrardson fires the energy gun at the floor!
Ultimate Shrek Fan earned the Space Ham medal.
Blaska Ellstrom (Engineer) [145.9] says, "That guy caught fire, was ripped limb from limb"
Blaska Ellstrom (Engineer) [145.9] says, "And was screaming"