07-16-2016, 11:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-22-2016, 09:36 PM by Hulk Hogan. Edited 3 times in total.)
Have you ever wanted to play as a clown and not worry about tripping over your own shoes? Well look no further. These tactical clown shoes will allow you to walk over any slippery surface and the best part is that you wont trip over you're own shoes.
They currently cost 2 telecrystals, but you can modify the cost to anything you want.
What I modified were syndicate_buylist.dm and shoes.dm
Play-tested with no errors or warnings.
They currently cost 2 telecrystals, but you can modify the cost to anything you want.
What I modified were syndicate_buylist.dm and shoes.dm
name = "Tactical Nonslip Clown Shoes"
item = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/traitor_clown_shoes
cost = 2
desc = "A pair of nonslip shoes. All the squeak with zero slipping. A must for clowns that fall over."
job = list("Clown")
name = "clown shoes"
desc = "Damn, thems some big shoes. Wait a minute... they're nonslip shoes."
icon_state = "clown"
item_state = "clown_shoes"
step_sound = "clownstep"
module_research = list("audio" = 5)
c_flags = NOSLIP
Play-tested with no errors or warnings.