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Gloves and Glass Shards
My post earlier operated on the assumption that if you use wirecutters on an electrified grille it would be cut but shock the hell out of you. Since you just get shocked then it should be more for show, splattering blood on the ground and do like maybe 3(or less. I dunno) brute damage each swing or whatever. Or maybe just a chance of cutting yourself, because presumably your spaceman is being careful with it while sawing through the grille.

I also agree that we need less electrified grilles, and maybe less double r windows as well. I have no clue where people come from complaining that the single pane looks ugly, I mean, it looks great with the VIP lounge after all.

Seriously, why are we letting people run around wielding jagged shards of glass willy nilly without consequence. That shit is dangerous.

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