03-12-2016, 10:02 PM
(03-12-2016, 12:24 PM)locusts Wrote: Heart artifact ideas
- Huge increase in the amount of blood your body holds (500 units to something insane like 10,000)
- Self generation of certain chems. Randomisation, while amusing, is probably a bad idea so a list of stuff that is inherently beneficial (omnizine, chicken soup), stupid (colourful reagent, simethicone) or harmful but won't kill you straight away (liplolicide, spiders) is better for this.
- Depending on the artifact, could cause confusion in mobs. Robotic artifacts prevent rogue robots from registering you as a target, martians won't attack if you have a martian artifact heart (maybe you could even speak to them!). Wizard artifact heart causes spells that hit you to fizzle, as if you were the chaplain.
- There needs to be some synergy with initrobeedril. Maybe an initrobeedril bee has some minor change if it used to be an artifact heart, eg. a wizard heart artifact gives the bee a tiny wizard hat when it emerges. Royal initrobeedril artifact bees have major characteristic changes, eg. a giant borg artifact bee heart sends signals only borgs can hear that order them to worship it.
Initro bees from artifact hearts should be whatever color your blood was and have weird names.