12-20-2015, 12:34 AM
Ed Venture Wrote:You views seem bias at most. Mostly the ones about fun and responsibility. Also I was not talking about medbay needing more then one job because of access (wut) and I also dismissed your earlier posts that branched off subject cause I felt they did not matter as instead of explaining your side of it you wasted your efforts in trying to poke holes in my logic. Also I can't help but feel you are getting a tad offensive over this. Maybe I'm reading too much into your comments but that's just the feeling I am getting reading over your post.
1. Security has always been about carrying out your own sense of crime and punishment as long as you don't break the rules while doing so. I could argue this brings fun to the table. I agree that adding some more sub sections to it could add even further to it.
2. Security has always given players free reign on how they can handle anything. Hell even Vice cops can still act like normal officers when they need to.
3.You bit about responsibility makes some sense but not completely. All a new player or even an long time player needs to know about security before playing is to read the rules and use common sense before playing the job and they will be fine. If they don't and get in trouble then it's on them not the job itself.
4. You say it would make security more efficient but my past rounds since cogmap2 I have had nothing but good players new and old playing security. I've mention earlier in other thread how a full sec team I was apart of split up and cover the entire station and used amazing teamwork. Maybe your just limited by your experiences? I think it could certainly add to certain things and may even be a more relaxing way to ease players into security all together
I'm not trying to be all negative here as I stated that I'm open to it but still conflicted to it. My main concern which I failed to voice was that adding too much roles to security may make things harder in the long run. This fear comes from Captains thinking they can run security and the ways they handle things as normal security officers roles could conflict with the other special class roles and lead to needless arguments when they are all on the same team to begin with
1. I'm not quite certain what you mean by this. If you mean doing things like punishing people, then yes, that's a thing. That's a thing that doesn't really conflict with anything I said.
2. This seems like a similar sentiment to the first thing. However, I do sort of see what you're actually trying to say with this. Where I see the inclusion of specialty jobs as a way of taking away certain pressures and responsibilities from normal sec officers, you see as taking away from their opportunities. Perhaps in some small way it would, but there'd be nothing against the rules about trying to hunt down criminals in a way similar to the Hunter, or operating in a way similar to the Hall Monitor, just like there's nothing wrong with a Security Officer using scanners and forensics as the Detective would.
3. That's a good theory but that's not at all how it works in practice. Very few new players read the rules, and even the ones that do can get a bit confused/flustered in the moment. One of the purposes of this is to make General Security more beginner friendly. Is this 100% the most important thing that needs to be done about security? Well, some would actually argue yes, as there's a number of people who will say that sec needs new/more regulars that are competent, but I also understand if some see it the other way. HOWEVER, is it not being the most necessary thing for sec a reason that it shouldn't be done? No. It doesn't change the fact that it's still a positive thing that it brings to the table.
4. Well here's the thing, you say you've seen good sec round since Cog2, but that's only a momentary thing. More people are playing and some of them are playing sec. Some of them are good, yes. However I've also played on Cog2, and I've seen some really awful sec rounds. But sec will always have good and bad sec rounds, but do you know what I've seen even more than good or bad sec rounds? Dead sec rounds. Rounds with little to no sec, maybe one officer, or maybe a couple of brain dead officers, or maybe even no officers. Currently, sec is not incapable of being good. I have never said it isn't. I even addressed that I never said this in my previous one as I could see you hinting at this. But my point is sec would be MORE efficient, key word being MORE. And no, I'm most certainly not limited by my experiences. I could argue you being limited by your experiences with this logic, because just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not there. I acknowledge sec can be good, but I have seen sec more frequently be bad/non-existent. I've seen other people express the exact same sentiment. I've discussed it at length with an admin. I am not limited by my experience, I have branched out specifically to make sure I am not.
And no, I'm not getting offended, I'm legitimately glad that somebody wants to discuss these things at length, however on that note what you said after is rather strange.
Ed Venture Wrote:This fear comes from Captains thinking they can run security and the ways they handle things as normal security officers roles could conflict with the other special class roles and lead to needless arguments when they are all on the same team to begin with
I don't understand the first part about captains. I don't see how that has any standing in this. Do you think a captain might get mad that he can't tell a Hunter to not hide and wait or a Warden to go out into the field?
The second thing I already addressed. There's nothing saying that a General Security Officer can't act like a Hunter, or a Hall Monitor, or a Vice Officer. They'd just be worse at it. It wouldn't be like the in-fighting at Medbay where Geneticists would get pissy whenever somebody busted in because they ignored their cloner, because that was just them getting mad about people being in their space. The only real issue I could see happening is a General Security Officer breaking into the Control Room, but that'd probably be as rare as General Security Officers breaking into and raiding the armory.