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More Specialty Security Jobs
Ed Venture Wrote:These are all neat ideas and I like them except for warden. Admins have stated that warden will never be a thing because they feel no one wants to babysit the brig all round. I happen to agree with them. Also currently any security officer can do any of these specialty jobs you stated here. I like the idea of giving more unique roles to security but I rather leave it open ended for the players as it is now. As you see I'm very conflicted on this.
I understand that the idea that nobody would want to sit around all day at the brig doing nothing, but my idea of giving the Warden a sort of control room that gives him the ability to control things like blast doors or whatever setup around sec in the event of an escape/break-in and a camera system that works as a sort of downgraded AI system is my way of addressing this. Now they have more responsibilities than just watching the empty brig.

The reason it seems like many of these jobs can be done by current sec is because they CAN be done by current sec, but only in the same way that a staff assistant can perform medical treatments. Yes, they can work with the medicines and such, but they don't get the same special tools and access that a medical doctor does. This is to say that the General Security Officer is the Staff Assistant and the Special Security Officer is the Medical Doctor. They can both do the same things but one can do it considerably better, not to mention this idea is also being geared towards both Cog2 and Destiny, so the ideas are meant to include both RP and practical elements for sec.

Vunterslash Wrote:I would like to see more specialty jobs for security, and these are all pretty great. Although I'm not sure how well the Warden being like a mini AI would work out. Pepper spray would be a nice tool to add for officers.
I'm curious as to what your issues are with the Warden having AI-like powers are. My vision for it is just door control, nothing like full-on electronics access like APC control and accessing consoles via cameras.

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