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Riot Launcher Suggestions.
Now, I know we talked about this in the past. We had a full thread on it (although for the life of me I cannot figure out where) And even some of the Admins liked the ideas of the older thread. Problem is... No one seemed to act on it. Since the coders are busy doing other things.

As it stands right now, most people consider the riot launcher and its 40mm Smoke rounds useless. Which isn't really the case, but I am not here to argue that. Right now there is only 2 things the riot launchers can shoot. the 40mm Smokes (Comes standard in the armory) or the 40mm HE Grenades (Which are hard to get, extremely expensive traitor items) Now in RL Grenade launchers like these have all sorts of grenades to use. Smokes, tear gas, flares, explosive, Incendiaries. flashbangs (For those hard to reach places) Scattershot (Think like buckshot, just WAY bigger and a lot more balls in the shot) etc.

So I had a solution to this problem, of how to make the riot launcher more of a flexible and interesting weapon to use. Pretty much give the riot launcher the ability to load any type of hand grenade. Change it around saying that the hand grenades are developed to be used universally as either a thrown object, or shot from a 40mm GL.

Now I know what your thinking, wouldn't this make hand grenades useless?... Not really no. the grenades will function differently depending on how your using them, for example. if you click and throw a grenade. it's on a countdown timer, which is good to getting grenades around corners. or do to a drop and run. When you load a grenade into a 40mm launcher. The grenade detonates on impact instead. Which can be very hazardous to the user if used incorrectly. Like accidentally flash banging yourself. Or involving yourself in your own hellfoam mix.

Not only does this feature make the riot launcher more flexible. it also means that the admin team doesn't have to do as much work making an entire new line of grenades just for it, and the grenades found around station or space can be used universally.

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