06-16-2015, 05:16 PM
Quote:Kiki's Lazy Squishbutts start turn 3.
Big Branchy tries to throw Snore:
Throw Team-Mate Roll [ 5 ]
Big Branchy throws his team-mate successfully.
Succeeded on a roll of 2+ to avoid a fumble (Roll + 0 Short Pass + 1 Strong Arm - 1 Throw Team-Mate > 1).
Scatter Rolls [ 5, 4, 4 ] South, Southeast, Southeast
Player scatters from square (12,12) to square (14,15).
Snore is pushed into the crowd.
Injury Roll [ 6 ][ 5 ]
Rolled Total of 11
Snore suffers a casualty.
Casualty Roll [ 4 ][ 2 ]
Snore has been seriously injured.
Snore has got a groin strain (Miss next game).
<immurphy> did you just crowdsurf your own guy