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Limit Dragon's Breath disintegration to ingestion only
Fun fact. The AI reported me that round.
Secondly, it's usually someone with access to chem.
Third, people oft have a chance to yell.
Fourth, it's RNG dependant
Fifth, you have to get close to someone
Sixth, if anyone else is around you're outted and they'll come down on you with lethal force
Seventh, Poison bottles spawn gibbis and nanomachines for no work and they work at 1 unit
Eighth, you can not loot your kills.
Ninth, Perfluro in a hypo and a stun stick yields similar results in half the time
Tenth, traitors are meant to be overpowered. Antags as well. There is a reason I said ei nath after every kill. Wizards get a homing stun and a non-rng version of this that is instant and refreshes. To do this gimmick effectively it takes a lot of variables, work, and a bit of finesse and luck.

It has mitigating factors, and the whole advantage to it is in the end of you do it well it is effective. So is a perfluro in a hypo and a csaber for that matter, or the chefs knife, or the botanists chainsaw.

Complaining that something that takes a proper plant growth and mutation, a decent supply of welding fluid, a chemmaster, and the transferring of 20 full glasses of bourbon to an artifact beaker works to well is just silly.

Another fun fact. Three time's I've tried this gimmick, Once it has worked.

The more preparation and knowledge intensive methods are going to be more effective. Fun fact, all you need to gib a corpse is water and potassium. a pipe bomb is cake to make.

A round lasts an hour tops most the time. Are you really complaining about something that requires a third or more of that time to prepare? Cause the other two times that failed it took about forty minutes.

Initro got ran into the ground, they made bath salts harder to find. Now no one bothers making it because it's just easier to shoot someone to death or blow them up. You nerf all the fun ways to kill someone into something stupidly complex and you're going to end up with rampages every round where people just get dumped into a waiting grinder in the trash. Same result, little variation, and much less fun to watch over and over.

The things an antag does aren't supposed to be enjoyable by the victim. They're the victim.

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