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Remove the pay wall on cloning
make cloning cost money, but also add frankensteining

add a machine that revives corpses by shooting electricity through them

But have it so when you die, depending on how you died, various parts of your body are no longer viable(after all, if they still worked, you wouldn't be dead). So in order to bring someone back to life you can either pay a reasonable fee to have the cloner spit out a shiny new body for them or you can cut out all their non-functional organs and limbs and mix and match new ones into them and then try and shock them back to life. You can either pay to have a problem-free new body or you can have the medics hack something together, hit it with lightning, and hope for the best. Oh, and of course the more foreign organs you have in your body, the more nasty effects they'll start causing, and the more often you die, the more bits you'll need replaced. And the doctors are lazy and cheap, too, and they may end up ignoring such nuances of organ donation as "freshness" and "species". So you can get revived on the cheap and then start suffering heart palpitations and use a scanner on yourself to see that that asshole doctor just used a monkey heart, or start coughing up bits of your lungs because the corpse they grabbed them from had been left out in front of robotics for half an hour.

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