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Add more medical conditions
Silvercloud29 Wrote:When I first started a good time a go, we used to have that having your limbs blown off would make you bleed out of them until a doc can patch you up or you cauterize the wound.... This NEEDS to be a thing again.
I keep seeing a lot of suggestions along these lines, with multiple people clamoring for the return of explosions causing more damage. And I get the need for that and the reasoning behind it, but you need to consider balancing. Sure, it seems kind of silly that explosions and delimbings cause as (comparatively) little damage as they do for what happens, but that's because it's a common occurrence to the point of being borderline ubiquitous. As a matter of fact, "Goonstation" and "explosions" might as well be synonymous.

In short, if getting your limbs blown off becomes more lethal, suddenly every single thing in the game that can blow limbs off becomes infinitely more powerful. Bombs already give you severe injuries, usually make you start suffocating and/or taking more damage from the cold due to hull breaches, and restrict your movement and/or utility due to your lack of limbs. They're deadly as hell already to most victims; adding this function in would add another damage source to that stack, making them MORE deadly.

Is that a bad thing? Not on its own, no. But if this sort of system is implemented, it isn't going to be simple and easy, and will more than likely involve a complete shift in balance as far as weapons go. And, to be perfectly honest, it's a shift in balance that's not really necessary and may not end up being worth the effort.

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