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Stopping Medbay Raids
Quote:How about a mini first aid kit that spawns on each player at round start in their box. It would contain a bandage, mini brute and burn patch, one charcoal pill, and a salicylic acid pill. I think this might leave less of a need to bust into medbay and go blue light special on it. Please let me know if this is a terrible idea.

I can see where you're coming from but that would kind of intrude on the whole nature of medical emergencies.

Current Scenario:
You're pretty damaged, and your heart is fudged. Grab that medpak that you know that's nearby, struggle to get to it: Slap on 2 brute paks, epi-pen yourself, and unless you are missing a limb or two: You are cured!

Proposed Scenario:
You're pretty damaged, and your heart is fudged. Grab that emergency medpak that you know that's nearby, struggle to get to it: Slap on 1 brute pak, epi-pen yourself. Oh shit you are still pretty damn messed up, take that painkiller and get to a medical dispenser/doctor asap!

The scenario you proposed:
You're pretty damaged and your heart is fudged. Take all the medicine you have on you which you did not struggle at all to get to, then get more meds somewhere else.

You see where i'm coming from? The struggle to get meds is exciting, having it on you at roundstart removes that.

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