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Stopping Medbay Raids
Two points to this thread:

1) Doctors should have more functionality. This must be hard-coded by more ailments, or a doctor must be proactive. Having medicine readily available for patients is actually far far better to do than hiding it. I set up a little work space in medbay lobby for this very reason. Most people just go to medbay for 1-2 brute/burn stamps and away they go. Having that out on a table without the box allows people to grab it immedietely. Keep the supply up, and lo and behold: PEOPLE STOP RAIDING

2) I personally think there should be LESS medical stuff about. Currently there's 3 medpaks in sec/bridge, 2 in crew quarters, several in emergency storage beside the bar, burn meds in engineering, burn and tox meds in science and probably more that i'm forgetting (oh also oxygen meds in oxygen crates)

Personally I think there should be instead:
2x medpak in security (because shit, sometimes arresting prisoners causes them to be pretty beat up)
A pill container of anti-tox pills in science containing 30u pills
1 burn medpak in engineering

And the rest should be replaced with "emergency aid" packs which contain:
1x burn damage
1x brute damage
1x painkiller
1x epi
1x saline-glucose pill.
1x bandage

This way, the emergency aid kits are build for keeping you sustained, but not completely cured unlike as of now.. From there, you'll need to go to the emergency dispensing machine and PAY money, or go to medbay and get yourself sorted.

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