03-10-2015, 11:03 AM
Spy_Guy Wrote:This is a cool thread.
Septic shock:
Leaving wounds unattended will cause a message "your wounds begin to fester". This will work in conjunction to bleeding stopping, but will roll depending on how badly you were previously damaged. During this period, you can take some space-a-cillin to stop it from going into full blown septicemia (or perhaps something more accessible? Splash some ethanol on yourself for anti-bacterial reasons?)
After a while untreated, you will get another message "Your whole body feels inflamed and painful!", during this period you will begin to get tox damage.
To treat this, space-a-cillin will be required, but cutting away the festered tissue via scalpel is now a must.
When in the 3rd stage of septic shock, you have a chance to roll for the other circulatory shock (i.e cured by saline-glucose).
3rd Degree burns:
Extreme burn damage may be cured by silver sulfadine, but will leave you with the ailment 3rd degree burns.
"your flesh melts away from your bones!"
This will cause the player to be disfigured, forces the player to walk and take minor burn damage every-time someone touches you in anyway "IT BURNS!"
All of the above can be cured by applying synth-flesh
Decompression Sickness
Caused by being exposed to the vacuum of space for a significant period of time. You get the message "your saliva beings to suddenly boil!" as the pressure has risen
Secondly would be vomiting and pissing yourself due to pressure damage.
Thirdly you trip and fall as your limbs seize up due to the pressure in your joints, and occasional brain damage.
This can be cured by being on having oxygen treatment, so perhaps giving a salbutomal drip would be good? Or perhaps the sleeper could have that setting?
It would be nice if addictions and food poisoning, remnants from old code, could be looked at. If they have different flavors of treatments, that would be great.