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Stopping Medbay Raids
DyssalC Wrote:Honestly I don't think this is an idea that needs modifying or suggesting, I just think this thread's premise is a bad idea.
Pretty much, yeah.

Medbay "raids" are almost exclusively undertaken by injured people who either can't find a closer medkit, need something more specific, are dealingg with a hollow and empty medbay, or just feel like being proactive and self-sufficient. No medbay team is ever going to be able to fully deal with the tidal wave of blood and laser burns, and holding a monopoly on the ability to slap patches on people is shit and actually causes a net loss when compared to the minimal advantages it brings.

Just because you're a Medical Doctor doesn't mean you're one of the only people allowed to use the medical supplies; it just means that you're the go-to person and can typically be trusted to know what you're doing. Non-Geneticists use the cloner, non-Roboticists borg people, non-Security people get deputized, non-Barmen serve drinks. And when you take into account the typical demand for medkits and their inherent harmlessness, you're not being helpful by locking them up and hiding them. You're being an obstinate jerk.

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