02-19-2015, 11:33 PM
Aesculus .roll 1d100 coolness of SpyGuy
skybee coolness of SpyGuy: 99 (1d100=99)
SpyGuy Ok.
Aesculus .........
SpyGuy 8)
Aesculus .....................
SpyGuy 8 )
Keelin HUMPH
Aesculus I am stunned.
Keelin .roll 1d100 SpyGuy jerk-ness
skybee SpyGuy jerk-ness: 29 (1d100=29)
Keelin Yeah you're a pretty cool dude i guess
AngriestIBM .roll 1d100 spyguy bad odor coefficient
skybee spyguy bad odor coefficient: 6 (1d100=6)
Keelin And you smell good too