02-02-2015, 01:50 PM
maxiumattack Wrote:I had a similar idea but instead of the shoes just tripping you they also tripped anyone around you.
I have decided to take your idea and elaborate it a bit more.
Clowns, as we all know, love kicking people in the butt. Who doesn't know that ?!
So, hear me out on this, what if the clown got SPECIAL shoes that would allow him to KICK people right in their ASSES?!
Kick them RIGHT in the butt!
Clown traitor item: ButtBruiser 3000. 8 TC
Bright blue clown shoes that allow the clown to send people flying (like a segway crash) by kicking them right in the butt! It shows a button up on your HUD like genetics powers would. Has a chance of making people's butts fly right off. 30 seconds cool down.
Here's how it would function: