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Witchcraft would be a new form of alternate-chemistry. Or maybe a ghetto way for an assistant to mix chemicals.

How to perform Witchcraft? There would be multiple ways of doing this. First you would need a mortar and pestle (found, crafted, or bought from a 3rd party). This would be a way to grind different plants. You could also use a reagent extractor if you have access, but to an assistant or non chemist/bar staff, a mortar and pestle would work wonders. Once you get a mortar and pestle, you would need to find random assortment of plant matter from Botany or rocks from mining (miracle matter). There would be different recipes, but mostly basic ones, such as healing a bit of brute or burn damage. There would be more complex combinations to make stronger potions, but that would require much more chemicals, or an alchemical chemistry set.

How to turn your mix into a potion: put mix into a glass or bathtub. Add water. Heat with welding fluid. Some chemicals may be beneficial or harmful.

Advanced alchemical chemistry: This would require some alchemical chemistry equipment, found by 3rd party vendors (from the quartermaster and/or crafted) or found deep in space.
If you put water and dried up chemicals into the equipment, you would be able to make stronger chemicals, than created before.

With advanced alchemy, would would also be able to make magic circles (regular mortar and pestle aren't refined enough)
Now lets break it down - How to make circle: Pour salt or draw with chalk on the ground until you create a circle (square). Or maybe, with chalk, you could draw single circles, but if you put 3 together, it makes a larger alchemical circle.

How to perform a ritual: Use grounded up chemicals from pestle and mortar and put them in a alchemical chemistry set, with out water. This would make your dry ingredients more refined.
Place the dry ingredients on a single circle, or on all 3 circles (if its a larger alchemical circle, like the one found in the Biodome). You would also need magic powder (a secret chem). Sprinkle magic powder on the middle of the circle then touch it with an empty hand. Once the circle glows, one or more things will happen.

The first thing that might happen is nothing. Why? Because you messed up somewhere during the ritual. The 2nd thing that might happen is that the circle will become a beacon. Anyone inside the circle would feel the positive or negative effects, such as: Healing, or toxic effects. One magic circle could make everyone inside drunk for a temporary amount of time, before the circle wears off.
The 3rd thing that could happen is that the circle would create a magic piece of paper that has a one use spell. You would also be able to put certain artifacts in the circle to activate them (wands, or other misc stuff).

I'd take any suggestions, ideas, criticisms of all kinds; etc.

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