12-28-2014, 02:37 PM
Conor12 Wrote:Code:> Befriend owl by complimenting eyebrows
In a snap and quite frankly really idiotic decision, you decide to try and break the wedgie-tough language barrier between YOUR TWO NON-PEOPLES throughout history! Unfortunately, your a goddamn donkeymulebrained jabroni who goes about complimenting the MOST UNDIGNIFIED PART OF AN OWL'S BODY, which is obviously and without a doubt the eyebrow you friggin' weirdo jeez!
Good job dorko! The owl is crying like a pimply nerd rejected the day before prom! Also you've fallen over, truthfully being a robot programmed to only give a shit about humans you could care less about the owl and more about your poor design here!
Way to face inner fears there, owl! Run off, why doncha? You have a SUPER-SERIOUS INVESTIGATION on your hands here anywhoo, sheeshaloni.
Anybody there?
Well okeydokery then.