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40mm launcher/ammo improvements
Berrik Wrote:Here's a thought: if my idea of just loading throwable grenades won't work, what about a special manufacturer in security or something that you can stuff grenades/pipe bombs/chemnades into and have them turned into 40mm loads of the appropriate type?
The main issue with this is why would security have a device that turns pipe bombs into 40mm grenades? Sec is rarely intended for lethal purposes, but bombs are definitely not a thing Sec would find itself using ever, so why would they have something to modify them for use with their equipment?

I can MAYBE see a device that turns the normal grenades (not chemnades) into 40mm shots, but still, might be a bit much.

Also, in the event such a machine comes into existence, there is the matter of the shells themselves. Standard shells come in a box deal similar to shotgun shells.
If the device is ever made there are 2 plausible ways for this to work:
The machine simply churns out one shell per grenade inserted, and you just keep them in a box. This would require a 40mm shell sprite, though.
The machine accepts chemical loads and churns out a shell box with as many shells as the chemical load can produce.

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