11-24-2014, 09:12 AM
Botany doesn't get updated very often, and we've got a lot of plants that could do with a few variants, I'm going to bring up a few of my own ideas and offer others to input their own ideas here also. Many plants, such as potato, peanuts, catnip, grass, and pumpkins could use new stuff to them. I have a few suggestions to this end, I will put a suggestion template that should work below.
Name: (your mutant plant name)
Original Plant: (The original plant, as labelled in the
How to mutate: (Usually random mutation/mutagenic plant forumula, but as some of you may know, other things exist.
Effects: (what makes your plant different than another plant)
Chemical content: (If its an added chem make sure to list it)
Sprite: (For those who are less lazy unlike me)
Name: Tomacco
Original Plant: Tomato
Description: A cross between tomato and tobacco, approved by Big Tobacco.
How to mutate: Infuse tomato seeds with nicotine.
Effects: Potentially addictive (nicotine)
Chemical content:50u nicotine
Sprite: Looks almost identical to regular tomato harvest, the plant itself should appear darker green than usual.
Note: Will create addictive honey and cause all sorts of issues
Name: Sweet Potato
Original Plant: Potato
Description: A potato, that is sweet.
How to mutate: Mutagenic plant formula/RNGeesus
Effects: Tastes sweet
Chemical content: 10u sugar
Sprite: Darker brown potatoes on plant, potatoes are orange instead of normal white.
Name: Coy/Coybeans
Original Plant: Soy/Soybean
Description:Theres something fishy about this...
How to mutate: Mutagenic Plant formula/RNGeesus
Effects: Harvesting this plant gives a random variety of fish instead of the usual soybean harvest.
Chemical content:N/A
Sprite: Fish grow instead of the beans in later stages, maybe some scales on the plant or something?
Name: (your mutant plant name)
Original Plant: (The original plant, as labelled in the
How to mutate: (Usually random mutation/mutagenic plant forumula, but as some of you may know, other things exist.
Effects: (what makes your plant different than another plant)
Chemical content: (If its an added chem make sure to list it)
Sprite: (For those who are less lazy unlike me)
Name: Tomacco
Original Plant: Tomato
Description: A cross between tomato and tobacco, approved by Big Tobacco.
How to mutate: Infuse tomato seeds with nicotine.
Effects: Potentially addictive (nicotine)
Chemical content:50u nicotine
Sprite: Looks almost identical to regular tomato harvest, the plant itself should appear darker green than usual.
Note: Will create addictive honey and cause all sorts of issues
Name: Sweet Potato
Original Plant: Potato
Description: A potato, that is sweet.
How to mutate: Mutagenic plant formula/RNGeesus
Effects: Tastes sweet
Chemical content: 10u sugar
Sprite: Darker brown potatoes on plant, potatoes are orange instead of normal white.
Name: Coy/Coybeans
Original Plant: Soy/Soybean
Description:Theres something fishy about this...
How to mutate: Mutagenic Plant formula/RNGeesus
Effects: Harvesting this plant gives a random variety of fish instead of the usual soybean harvest.
Chemical content:N/A
Sprite: Fish grow instead of the beans in later stages, maybe some scales on the plant or something?