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Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere)
Quote:Woodrow Hirleman says, "hi"
Ricky Robby says, "hello"
Woodrow Hirleman says, "wait"
Woodrow Hirleman asks, "you wanna help me ?"
Ricky Robby asks, "with what?"
Woodrow Hirleman asks, "to get peopel to belive the apocalypese is comming ?"
Ricky Robby says, "oh, well"
Ricky Robby says, "i guess i could do that"
Woodrow Hirleman says, "thanks"
Woodrow Hirleman says, "then we spread chaoas"
Woodrow Hirleman says, "hello"
King Midas says, "Hello"
You have added the paper- 'the apocalypese is comming ' to the backpack.
King Midas says, "I have come to church"
You have added the paper- 'the apocalypese is comming ' to the backpack.
Woodrow Hirleman asks, "you know that the apocalypse is comming ?"
You have added the paper- 'the apocalypese is comming ' to the backpack.
Woodrow Hirleman says, "so prepare yourtself"
King Midas says, "Not spelled like that, it isn't"
You have added the paper- 'the apocalypese is comming ' to the backpack.
Woodrow Hirleman says, "so join me and my pepel"
Woodrow Hirleman says, "and survive the apocalypse"
King Midas says, "I'm not joining anything with that spelling"

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