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From The Ashes! Another Goonstation DF Succession Game
Dear Mountain Homes, you dirty motherfuckers.

[Image: 1jsyxGF.png]

Y'all need to get your putrid public bathroom stall of a government together! This Robert motherfucker came out of nowhere today yelling about being the rightful Baroness of this dumb hole and how I best be making some dumbass toy hammers! Speaking of which, since when the hell is this place called Oilstakes? I'm supposed to be in charge of a joint called Gemwhirled, but I don't give a shit, to be perfectly honest. Robert can be the Baroness for all I care.

[Image: BUQfd50.png]

I had better things to deal with anyways, these human suckers filled with more dead-animal hides then a leatherdaddy came by and boy, did they love their slate crafts! We finally have food, and not to mention fabric for clothing that isn't rotting in all the wrong places! No anvil however, ah well.

Truthfully, not much wen't wrong with it, perhaps a glimmer of hope for this damned place cracking through the turd stained cavern roof.

Not all good things last, unfortunately. I bought 25 copper bolts and well... uh... Let me just sorta write up what happened to those damned bolts.

[Image: Khut3DZ.png]

[Image: KkLl6qz.png]

[Image: mppZaW1.png]

[Image: 4BxuOV9.png]

[Image: 8byV7Qe.png]

As if that wasn't bad enough, motherfucking Bobster found a giant tortoise, and... oh my lord fuckok almighty. THE TORTOISE...

[Image: iGmpuGe.png]

[Image: lfGQuJ1.png]

Goodbye bolts! Hello vomit pool...

[Image: ViIiJCu.png]

After that a random baby horse starved without going noticed somehow, and some new meat swung by, all of them assholes. I didn't get a chance to assign them awful nicknames yet unfortunately, but they deserve to be cussed out without a doubt!

[Image: tNfNFHS.png]

More importantly, we had some 'silky smooth' developments with the cave, which is to say, barely avoided a gigantic disaster! Like always, we're just barely scraping along over here, no thanks to your help over there all snug in the mountains.

[Image: IDviBM4.png]

Eventually one of them came near our cave-hole, and before I could manage to cancel the building of the stairwell down below, the damn FUCKERS had to actually be decent at their jobs this time! mad

[Image: aeQiQ6Q.png]

It was a dire time, full of bloodshed, death, and strugg-Hold on... my assistant has just told me that one dude got paralyzed for a few hours and nothing else came of it.

[Image: fSGZnNQ.png]

[Image: 3eM3YY5.png]

...Motherfuck Chase. I'm appointing you CHIEF SPIDER DESTROYER, sorry dude, that basically resolves to being a one-man squad! No I'm not actually sorry idiot.

[Image: faoMxNi.png]

Not much else happened this season, so I have decided to retire to my brand-spanking new lion and dying starved cat zoo, which is proving to be popular with the unwashed masses.

Crapfully yours, Overseer Phart.

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