09-18-2014, 05:30 PM
So, to start this narrative, let's get a roll call going first. Our party consisted of me, some nicotine addicted jerk who thinks he's a detective and is good with guns, Elder Muffin, a kleptomaniacal old man, Steve Dysall, The slam-jam-iest guy around, Nikolas Baskett, our friendly zap happy medic, and Nick Davies, some dude with a C-Saber.
After getting our sheets set up, we left the arrivals shuttle and promptly began to screw around, discovering a Security guard hanging out in the detective's office. Nick Davies promptly insults him and is challenged to a fight near arrivals. After the guard leaves, I hack open the door and steal the revolver because I am the detective and also guns are awesome. We then defuse the fight between Nick and the guard, with Nikolas offering the guard a blunt, then managing to shock all his memories away with his defib. The amnesiac guard is promptly looted and left in Crew Quarters to munch on some donk pockets while we move onto the bar, sans Nick who we stuffed into a disposals pipe after he went AFK. Inside, we find some greyshirts manning the bar and Muffin immediately starts a fight with them, only to start rummaging around the bar for things to eat while Steve and I manage to beat and shoot the three of them to death. One liners were said, and a cleaning grenade was thrown. In the end, we stood victorious, and stuffed Nikolas under the bar table while he took a nap. After regrouping and leveling up, we talked to the chef, who refused to leave the kitchen until we delivered some produce from botany. So off we went. After making our way in, Muffin did the unthinkable, and gazed upon the very edge of space and time itself. The admins appeared, and bestowed upon us Boxward, the talking toolbox if we agreed to not say anything to anyone. He then shoved a botanist and a hapless assistant into Boxward because...well...I'm not really sure why. And at that point we called it quits.
So, to start this narrative, let's get a roll call going first. Our party consisted of me, some nicotine addicted jerk who thinks he's a detective and is good with guns, Elder Muffin, a kleptomaniacal old man, Steve Dysall, The slam-jam-iest guy around, Nikolas Baskett, our friendly zap happy medic, and Nick Davies, some dude with a C-Saber.
After getting our sheets set up, we left the arrivals shuttle and promptly began to screw around, discovering a Security guard hanging out in the detective's office. Nick Davies promptly insults him and is challenged to a fight near arrivals. After the guard leaves, I hack open the door and steal the revolver because I am the detective and also guns are awesome. We then defuse the fight between Nick and the guard, with Nikolas offering the guard a blunt, then managing to shock all his memories away with his defib. The amnesiac guard is promptly looted and left in Crew Quarters to munch on some donk pockets while we move onto the bar, sans Nick who we stuffed into a disposals pipe after he went AFK. Inside, we find some greyshirts manning the bar and Muffin immediately starts a fight with them, only to start rummaging around the bar for things to eat while Steve and I manage to beat and shoot the three of them to death. One liners were said, and a cleaning grenade was thrown. In the end, we stood victorious, and stuffed Nikolas under the bar table while he took a nap. After regrouping and leveling up, we talked to the chef, who refused to leave the kitchen until we delivered some produce from botany. So off we went. After making our way in, Muffin did the unthinkable, and gazed upon the very edge of space and time itself. The admins appeared, and bestowed upon us Boxward, the talking toolbox if we agreed to not say anything to anyone. He then shoved a botanist and a hapless assistant into Boxward because...well...I'm not really sure why. And at that point we called it quits.