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Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-15-2014

Sup guys, I was wanting to DM a game of DnD, and thought that it might be fun to play an ACTUAL game of SS13 themed DnD. Since we can't all meet up in one place I've gone and found an online place to do it, that being, which seems to be just the fit for the kind of thing I want to set up. As we speak I'm setting up a campaign of sorts, and figured I might go about posting this on the forums to see if anyone at all was interested. If you are, feel free to drop a post in here letting me know what day/time works best for you, and if you feel like it, suggest some ideas for things to implement. If you're not interested, then go ahead and call me a nerd and call the idea stupid, or whatever you feel like doing. Since I've not DM'd all that many games, I'd like a small group. so no more than 5 or so people, if that's alright. Anyhow, yeah, that's the idea.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - pizzatiger - 09-15-2014

FishDance2 Wrote:Sup guys, I was wanting to DM a game of DnD, and thought that it might be fun to play an ACTUAL game of SS13 themed DnD. Since we can't all meet up in one place I've gone and found an online place to do it, that being, which seems to be just the fit for the kind of thing I want to set up. As we speak I'm setting up a campaign of sorts, and figured I might go about posting this on the forums to see if anyone at all was interested. If you are, feel free to drop a post in here letting me know what day/time works best for you, and if you feel like it, suggest some ideas for things to implement. If you're not interested, then go ahead and call me a nerd and call the idea stupid, or whatever you feel like doing. Since I've not DM'd all that many games, I'd like a small group. so no more than 5 or so people, if that's alright. Anyhow, yeah, that's the idea.

I can (HOPEFULLY) join on a weekend from 12-6

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - Zadeon - 09-15-2014

I'm down any evening from Tuesday to Thursday.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - Amelorate - 09-15-2014

Seems like an interesting thing, I can do 4 PM to 10 PM EST on weekdays and any time after about 2 PM on weekends (I sleep alot.)

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-15-2014

Glad that there's already some support. The story and a few of the enemies have already been figured out, but I realized that I forgot to mention something. Currently I'm thinking of having the rule set of being along the lines of DnD 3.5, something I've not personally done, but I think it'd be best. If you guys wanna let me know how much experience you have with the game/any specific rule sets, that'd also be cool. If you have a preference as to which rules you'd like to play, feel free to let me know. Oh, and Skype is my medium of choice for communication, if that's an issue for you, then we'll find a workaround.

Remember time zones if you're gonna give a time!

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - david2222121 - 09-15-2014

I would totes be hella down for a one-shot SS13 thing over roll20, even better if it turns into a regular thing. I'm available pretty much any evening except tuesday(workin the night shift) and saturday/sunday(pre-existing roleplay group) from ~5:30 to 11 PM, pacific times.

Steam is generally the best way to reach me, if only because I can't find skype's option to turn on whenever you boot up your computer and I am lazy.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - DyssalC - 09-15-2014

I'm available from about 5:00-12:00 PM Central all days of the week, bar special events.

I've never actually done anything like this, but it seems interesting, and I certainly like the idea of SS13 DnD.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - poland spring - 09-15-2014

I would be down, got gaming 2-8 on Sundays, Pacific time but otherwise wide open at the moment

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - RedbeardRum - 09-15-2014

FishDance2 Wrote:Currently I'm thinking of having the rule set of being along the lines of DnD 3.5

Wait, DnD has rules? I've been playing it wrong

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - Rageguy504 - 09-16-2014

I could try, I'm free kinda whenever

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - Natsumehack - 09-16-2014

I am free from 12PM Central to upwards to 3-4 PM the next day.

So midnight to 4 pm

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-16-2014

So it looks as though the time that would work best for the most people is:

Thursday, 5:30 Pacific / 6:30 Mountain / 7:30 Central / 8:30 Eastern

I can't be sure how long the whole ordeal will take, though I'd say it'll be about 2-3 hours depending on how "creative" people get. The people who currently mentioned that these times would work for them are:

Zadeon, Amelorate, David2222121, DyssalC, Poland Spring, Rageguy, and me, of course.

Personally I find that this coming Thursday, the 18th, works just fine, and I figure why keep everyone waiting, so, unless one of you kiddos can't make it, I think that would work out pretty well. For those of you who aren't able to make a weekday work, or those who look at this thread in the future and wish to join, feel free to leave a message in here anyway, I'm sure I can set up another session for a weekend or something that works better for you guys! Anyhow, as far as I understand, you six should be able to join the group for the game using this link:

You'll need to create an account in order to play, it's not all that time consuming. If you'd be so kind to make your name something along the lines of your username on here so that I can tell who's who when accepting people into the game, that'd be cool. If you don't want to do that, then just leave a post on the board on the link letting me know who you are. Again, if this Thursday doesn't work for you all, let me know.

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - Rageguy504 - 09-16-2014

Sounds good for me

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - FishDance - 09-16-2014

Hey guys, upon testing everything out with Amelorate, since they happened to drop in while I was play testing, I've found that playing with 3.5 would make things even more needlessly complicated than it needs to be, so I figure 5.2 would be a but more simple. If anyone wants to look over the basics and or character creation bit in order to figure stuff out beforehand, it'd be can disregard stuff like race and saving throws and stuff, we won't be going that in depth, this'll be a lot of home brew. Here's the link. ... basicrules

Re: Online SS13-Themed DnD - pizzatiger - 09-16-2014

Dam you! You picked a school night to do your twisted (Wonderful) games!