07-21-2014, 03:00 AM
Irvine Khan [145.9] says, "AI call the shuttle"
CPUCAKE [145.9] states, "Unless the meteor shower rumors are true, I see no reason to call it."
System Command Update
Meteor Alert
The meteor shower has reached the station. Brace for impact.
System Command Update
Meteor Alert
The meteor shower has reached the station. Brace for impact.
System Command Update
Meteor Alert
The meteor shower has reached the station. Brace for impact.
CPUCAKE [145.9] states, "oh"
Alert: The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Hannes Doe [145.9] says, "Good lord."
CPUCAKE [145.9] states, "Unless the meteor shower rumors are true, I see no reason to call it."
System Command Update
Meteor Alert
The meteor shower has reached the station. Brace for impact.
System Command Update
Meteor Alert
The meteor shower has reached the station. Brace for impact.
System Command Update
Meteor Alert
The meteor shower has reached the station. Brace for impact.
CPUCAKE [145.9] states, "oh"
Alert: The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Hannes Doe [145.9] says, "Good lord."