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Concerns with Mining (Both the department and Z-level)
Greetings everyone. I been playing on the goon server for almost a year now. Some people know me but I still feel new compared to quite a few others in the community. Anyway, getting to the point...

When I am playing for a serious round. Not messing around trying to make uqill/erebite slag shovels, carrying an arsenal of weapons on me to hunt down a changeling, etc. I am at mining. The surprising thing is I actually mine at mining, and I like mining. You get access to some great equipment that you spend some time to gather the materials to make. It's very satisfying coming in the station 30 min in or so, completely blast proof and running around like sonic and knowing that you feed the QMs pockets full of cash while doing.

Getting to the point. Initially the Asteroid field randomization changes that happened about a month or so a go bummed me out. Not due to the fact the fields were now random, it's was more due to the fact it looked horrible and out of control. Lucky that was "mostly" fixed It still has that problem but it's a lot more controlled now. The new problem is sometimes finding particular ores. Claratine (I am sure that's how it's spelt) and Borhum seem to be a lot rarer now. This could be more of a balance thing though but it still makes the job harder. Viscous Lumps have 0 use at all, and the sprite matches plasmastone a bit (This may have been changed in the past 2 or 3 days though since I heard there was a sprite update).

That just one concern. With all the changes from that I was excited for this new Ore Magnet we got that was station side. At first I thought it was there just for testing, and experimented with it. It was a great way to look for ores you needed if the mining z-level lacked any. Then that one change came.... The move to mining station side.... It honestly didn't really bode to well with me in the first place. We just pretty much made the mining Z-level redundant and unneeded in one update. No one spawns there anymore, and now miners are faced with the fact they start in the hell hole everyone else does. With reduced numbers to boot. It was already bad enough that maybe 2 people of the 6 starting miners we're actually going to mine and the others just stole space suits and fucked off to get killed by whatever, but now we aren't separated by the shuttle anymore from the psychopaths. You can't even get on the mining shuttle anymore without a spacesuit on, so if I spawn as a CE and wanted to manage QM and mining I need to find a spacesuit first to even get on the shuttle. Which all 3 suits are normally missing from "new" mining anyway on normally 5 min in.

Overall, mining is still an important role for the station. It's one of the good honest hardworking money makers for the QM. I just don't think out of the little space content we have for the pods that we should phase out the mining outpost also. So here is my proposed changes

Mining change ideas
[list=6][*]Remove station-side mining (So people aren't trying to walk in and kill miners and give easy access to stealing better spacesuits)[*]Move ore magnet to the mining outpost (Most likely to the right side of the base)[*]Add 1 more job slot to make it a even 4 mining jobs.[*]Make certain asteroids in the mining Z-level spawn with a set pool of 3 randomized ores to make it a little easier to find needed materials. (Like Bohrum)[*]Re-add erebite back into the fields. (This one I am not sure if erebite is just extremely rare or you guys accidentally pulled it out of the spawn lists. I honestly haven't seen any drop since the randomization update.)[*]Give the viscous lump's Asteroid form different a sprite (Maybe something that looks like organic rock) and give it a use (It has some nice properties that could be used for the additive tank on the arc smelter)[/list]

So for a TLDR. I feel station side mining kills the mining department, makes miners lazy, easier to kill, stuff stolen easier, and makes the mining Z-level completely pointless to use to the already limited space exploring content we have. And the asteroid randomization still kind of sucks and needs some work and suggested a list of changes to fix some the problem.

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