06-28-2014, 10:15 PM
Reset Naywalk [145.9] says, "I didn't know my grandmother was a druggie"
This is Reset Naywalk's grandma's Syringe (morphine).
Contains morphine, a strong but highly addictive opiate painkiller with sedative side effects.
It is a tiny item.
The cigarette machine beeps, "I'd rather toolbox than switch."
Hugh Man [145.9] says, "she wasn't just any druggie. she was the best druggie in the galaxy"
H0T-D0G [145.9] states, "A crate of meat has been bought."
H0T-D0G [145.9] states, "Captain, retrieve the crate from cargo."
Patrick Kuby [145.9] slurs, "Righff away"
Reset Naywalk [145.9] says, "it has morphine"
Reset Naywalk [145.9] says, "OH GOD, WAS SHE IN PAIN"