06-07-2014, 03:10 PM
I got it!
The HedgeHOS
A little hedgehog with a berret.
It needs to be let loose on the station to avoid being fat, and it needs to eat ants.
So basically bring it on patrols, and bother chef or botany for ants.
Also they can also become fat easily, so the hedgehog is the perfect animal for security. Also IRL I'm pretty sure hedgehogs eat bees and wasps, don't bring it near the other head pets I guess.. Or use it on expeditions to kill the bio-dome wasps.
The HedgeHOS
A little hedgehog with a berret.
It needs to be let loose on the station to avoid being fat, and it needs to eat ants.
So basically bring it on patrols, and bother chef or botany for ants.
Also they can also become fat easily, so the hedgehog is the perfect animal for security. Also IRL I'm pretty sure hedgehogs eat bees and wasps, don't bring it near the other head pets I guess.. Or use it on expeditions to kill the bio-dome wasps.