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Some crazy idea people will laugh at
KikiMofo Wrote:I don't get you guys. It's just one day. One day you don't have to play. It's not like I see you guys playing EVERYDAY anyway. It's just one day for people who like the chaos of SS13 to get a whole day revolving around the one thing SS13 is good for, Chaos. I just think you guys have forgotten what SS13 is about by saying things like, "you wouldn't be able to do anything job-related because you're just going to get murdered," Is this what SS13 is now? A job simulator? No, If I wanted to do my job I would go to Baystation and have 3 hour rounds of pretend space janitor. Jobs aren't what SS13 is about. Jobs are there to give structure to the game so you would have a guideline of what to do. You can do anything in SS13 and I just want to see what would happen if people were given a chance to not have to worry about if they are griefing someone or not and let them do what they want.

Kiki I think you're missing the point, it's not a matter of not HAVING to play, it's a matter of WANTING to play and not being able to because of how awful it is. Like, what alternatives do we have? Baystation? LLA?'

One day a year. Tops.

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