Dementia Dan HOS Application
Usual Character Name: Dementia Dan
BYOND username: B0opy
Discord username (if you are on our discord): @b0opy
Goon servers you play:  Goonstation RP 3 and sometimes 4

a slightly ill greater domestic space-bee Reason for application: too often is the call of "where is the HOS" met with "we have none" too often is a security team left in chaos and ruin by a well planned group of antagonist for too long potential security officers have shunned open security officer slots on high population rounds I believe its time for a change time for some fresh new faces to wear the good old beret and cape being a head of security has been a goal of many officers including me. I believe that despite my previous hardships with the role of security I have changed and grown into someone fit for that beret and cape

bee Security experience (300 word minimum): My time as security officer began as it has for many... with a simple assistant shift about two years ago
and it was without a doubt the least fun I had ever had I played 2 or 3 rounds of assistant figuring stuff out on my own a few rounds as officer and dropped it. I picked up detective sometime later and had a bit more fun but something was missing. I found that something in the roleplay servers (specifically 3) detective and security in general was suddenly the most fun I had ever had! people were willing to talk and roleplay with the evidence I found instead of just asking to be processed as fast as possible. Unfortunately detective is a horribly hard job to get on RP because of that so I started playing security officer so I could continue with the good RP but overtime some bad habits began to rise I became jaded and sometimes just downright mean to other people. I was merciless when it came to any crime big or small I was constantly zapping and punching peple even after I had caught them. After some strong critisisms from other players and waiting out a two week ban that I began to realise that I wasn't having fun and neither were the people I was playing security with or against I returned after pondering my actions and began to try and redeem myself I was kinder more leniant and often found myself asking "what action would be more fun" instead of "what action would get this over with as soon as possible" I began to teach more assistants and give them the advice and guidance I was never given when I was a new officer I have grown into the kind and noble officer you find on 3 and 4 today people often look to me for guidance in brig time or interrogations and if things are REALLY bad I try my best to lead my team in the right direction I belive this change and this willingness to accept feedback and make sure people don't make the same mistakes I do is what would make me a good head of

Sleeping bee What advice would you give to other sec players?: I have a piece of RP specific advice thats not just good for officers but good for everyone always ask yourself "how can I increase RP in this situation" EXAMPLE: is brigging and searching a guy ten minutes in for a contraband scan fail going to INCREASE the interesting RP and events in the round or DECREASE

a greater domestic space-bee that's gunna cause some trouble What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one): it was a salvager round on 3 we had just been given the order to make sure no salvager so much as get near the station. I got put on patrol outside the station armed with a pod seeking missiles and pod phasers I set out. Roughly 5-10 minutes later a salvager with a 40mm pod grenade launcher comes charging twoards me he misses my pod completely I taunt him and fire a shot back at him this evolves into a huge space dogfight with us stopping every once in awhile just to taunt and laugh at eachother it was a bunch of fun and eventually ended in us both dying on an asteroid in the debris field

Boogiebot What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?: I think if you could get all of security in on the bit a cowboy security team would be fun walking up to a revolver wielding gunslinger and shouting DRAW! sounds a lot more fun than "you are under arrest"

[b]space owl Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): 1 day ban for escalation fail and leaving when admin PMed, 1 Day ban for killing the clown as a non antagonist without command permission, 2 week ban for metagaming with two others and causing constant grief to security[/b]

Messages In This Thread
Dementia Dan HOS Application - by b0opy - 12-04-2024, 11:18 AM
RE: Dementia Dan HOS Application - by klushy225 - 12-04-2024, 11:31 AM
RE: Dementia Dan HOS Application - by Shiiba - 12-05-2024, 08:13 PM
RE: Dementia Dan HOS Application - by Lefinch - 12-05-2024, 09:57 PM
RE: Dementia Dan HOS Application - by Keiiro - 02-10-2025, 08:00 AM
RE: Dementia Dan HOS Application - by LeahTheTech - 02-23-2025, 10:37 AM

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