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Cargo buff
It sounds more like Botany needs more incentive to play outside of rainbow weed and selling stuff on the market.

And everytime I go into Botany (on RP) I am going:
"I could do stuff for the chef"
But if I have 4 other botanists.. that could be all my trays to the chef, while I am having fun supporting the chef and waiting for things to go. I am "NOT" doing a small experiment to the side to have fun with.

I am also one of the few botanist players who finds the "weed run" boring.
I prefer mass money trees with high yield to mock people for not having cash money. (or to collapse the economy)

But most of the time I am just making food to mess around with, to give to the chef or sell to people.

So what if Cargo requests something? Well that's where the 1st big problem lays. Botany is too slow most of the time.
Certain plants take almost 10 mins to grow and sure you can find ways to make it grow faster.. but in RP you are now "competing" (you heard me) against your other botanists for resources. Nothing incentivices them to work together to fufill cargo's request.
Cause selling to Cargo doesn't benefit them in anyway shape or form.

And when the chemicals run out and you go to science to request some.. again... the same loop happens: "They don't help botany since they don't need anything from Botany therefore you have to wait long."

As we are now... Goonstation has something of a "Some departments kinda do not need eachother and work self-sufficiently"

And this stuff will make Cargo so self sufficient (wich they already can be) to the point of "why bother?"

In the olden days of when i started playing.. Cargo was KEY to running a station, since they are the only one able to make a huge budget so you can get paid.
But in my biggest opinion...

A lot of interdeparmental interactions barely happen since the basic use is good enough. Why does Botany need Engineering? When something breaks.
When does Botany need Cargo? When they run out of supplies. When does Botany need Science when---

Meanwhile Cargo needs everyone to pitch in to get money, but the station has 0 reason to do it unless they feel like it.

I already many times I suggested: "Have ways to get upgrades from different deparmtnets for your departments to speed up your process."
Mining found a mineral that can be used to upgrade science with the help of mechanics? COOL.
Infact... Robotics despite not having to do much, can upgrade borgs after certain minerals are mined by mining. And then they buy the ore and the money goes to ...Cargo. But you get it.

I want more of this. I do not want to return to "Cargo keeps you paid" cause that's forcing someone to do a job. But more: "Benefits from working together."
Like if Botany does a huge Requistion sale with items only they can get.. Cargo gets money and a crate with stuff that makes botany grow plants faster or able to splice plants more effectively (cause oh boy do I like doing dumb splices of 20%... gimme 80% plz or 100%)

It's these dumb factors that will make the game MORE FUN and MORE WILLING to work together and also give variaty each shift.
Cargo: "I got an order for 10 eggplants! It has an upgrade for you in it botany"
Botany: "On it!"

Imagine the Rainbow weed patrol growing these eggplants and then getting an upgrade so they can splice their dumb weed with apples and grow them in 2 mins?
Suddenly you have incentive to do your silly thing but also your job so you can do something sillier!

Messages In This Thread
Cargo buff - by JohnnyJohn - 11-06-2024, 07:21 PM
RE: Cargo buff - by Lefinch - 11-07-2024, 01:42 AM
RE: Cargo buff - by JOELED - 11-07-2024, 07:08 AM
RE: Cargo buff - by Lt487 - 11-07-2024, 10:22 AM
RE: Cargo buff - by JohnnyJohn - 11-07-2024, 08:11 PM
RE: Cargo buff - by Kotlol - 11-08-2024, 03:40 AM
RE: Cargo buff - by Skotcher - 11-12-2024, 03:20 PM
RE: Cargo buff - by SalmonidJester - 11-11-2024, 05:30 PM

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