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Shedding some light on TermOS and other computer stuff
I was kinda hoping someone would spill the beans and explain step by step how to do one action or another (like give a guide on how to move a guardbuddy to a specific tile)
..rather than everyone piling in and saying "YEAH SUN I'M EQUALLY CLUELESS" about the whole thing. Which is good and bad really. Good in that it reinforces my point that not alot of people know this turbonerd wizardry. Bad in that it reinforces my point that not alot of people know this turbonerd wizardry.

Daeren Wrote:Fuck TermOS/DWAINE, the average player will run screaming after their first exposure and the actual hardcore ITnards either get mad that it's a worthless, only semi-accurate, half-complete, unnecessarily tedious model of a system that has little applicability, or REAL mad that it's unwittingly a perfect replication of nightmare-inducing proprietary OSes.
Sounds to me like you know a bit of DWAINE. Are you pissed at it's limitations and shortcomings?
icarus Wrote:..if there were more features people would be more interested in using the computers..
..controlling the emergency shuttle and blowing up computers remotely sounds cool but i've never seen anyone who knows how to do it..
..i'm all for keeping computers complicated as long as there're more rewards for figuring them out..
I agree totally, but right now not even the admins bother running any gimmicks with TermOS because nobody has a single clue. I'd LOVE to see some hacking objectives, people targeting the computer room below AI would be a force to be reckoned with. Stuff I would love to see:

-->USB ports on the computers so that people can slot their PDA's in and download information off computers
-->This would mean you could potentially download fun stuff for your pda. (I should make a suggestion thread for this) You could essentially build your PDA into a fully functional computer similar to the computer briefcase by simply downloading(or buying software)
-->Information would be a commodity, some traders will buy certain script that you downloaded to a PDA, encouraging people to delve deeper
-->Get in contact with traders via email (buying random stuff) or for more evil stuff, through a deeper network
-->Amalgamate email and PDA messaging, nobody uses emails, and it would be great for people who want send ad's/buying stuff from above/spamming people. This wouldn't mean that emails disappear entirely, but now sending someone an email prompts a pda message (which can be responded via pda)
-->The ability to hack into EVERYTHING. The budget, general manufactures, APC's, even AI camera mainframe and the like
-->The above includes PDA's. Give us the ability to actually physically take control (via a pop up window) of someone's PDA.
-->Through a deep network, you could find and pay for someone to actually target an area of the station via a torrent of missiles. "Give me X, or I will blow up Y" type of situations.
-->Find a trader online and piss him off via spam to the point where the next trader arrives, arrives already pissed and armed to the teeth.

I'm sure I could think of more. Alot of this stuff would require TermOS knowhow, like the last point would require you to send a script that repeats *fart to a printer (that doesn't exist in physical form, but appears to) and that would cause the trader to be ultra grump.

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