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Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them.
(05-31-2024, 01:40 AM)Soleil Wrote: I've always just right clicked artifacts and clicked Pull to be extra safe when handling dangerous ones, but I'm with Zamu on this one, accidents make for really fun moments and I genuinely don't think the staffies in the hallways after a rad storm should have to take off their insulated gloves for their artifact touching sprees.

The right click methode also has killed me a few times when dragging artifacts. For some UNGODLY reason it thinks pull means "TOUCH"
I wouldn't have tried to make a seperate topic on this if "this" didn't happen.

And no it isn't "you left click insted of right click" It litterly is.. "Right click, go to pull, click, artifact sucked me in"
This has happened mostly in small lag spikes, but also once without lag. It's rare but that's why I want some sort of security over it.
Gloves are one, new item called a "handcart" second, 3rd clicking it with "help" insted of grab will not trigger it either.

Also the handcart would just be a safe way of moving stuff around via pulling I guess?

Saying it's an accident is one thing. Another is just when you get borged cause your pull click became a touch click -.-'

Either way we can forget the glove idea and use the other two methodes as a base line. I just think "SOMETHING" needs to change. The worst one had to be when I was being extra slow and careful to not activate an artifact with right click and pull and it still activated :/
At that point I am not laughing at my own death, at that point I am shouting at the game going: "How is it not pulling?!"
I am laughing when I do left click and go: "I am an idiot XD"

To reitterate: "This is like having the delete cloning records button right next to the clone player button." and making the buttons slightly overlap so it's more likely to accidentally click delete records. 

The only TRUE safest way is to open "Pull nearest object menu" move the pop up window away from the screen, click artifact and then walk. And then do it everytime someone shoves it out of your pull range... and then it just becomes TEDIUM :/

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RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - by Kotlol - 05-31-2024, 03:14 AM

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