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Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Printable Version

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Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Kotlol - 05-30-2024

We all accidentally touched an artifact that kills us... when we just wanted to drag them or click something near it.
It's a bother especially for security and science who just want to move them.

So Cybertripping in questionable suggestions suggested: "Help intent won't have you touch the artifact"
I do not hate this idea technically. It's a good idea to avoid accidental clicks, but I think we can do better.

"If you wear any type of gloves, the artifact will not activate"
This doesn't count for hand artifacts naturally, but big ones only.

It's simply due to the rule of: "Your hand is in a glove that could be carbon or silicon, but it's not your hand touching it"
So insted of going: "is your glove made of organic fibers or plastics" we are just going with: "Artifact won't go off"

This is more a QoL change for moving artifacts or grabbing them. Since I know a few lag spiked made me die horribly due to bad luck and those kinda death's just feel bad. Eitherway I think we do need a way to make "touching large artifacts" not be an accidental click.

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - meaow589 - 05-30-2024

Sound great idea I support this.there is many accident happen when try to move art. However this will might block someway for antag science to force people touch artifact

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Lefinch - 05-30-2024

I both like this and have often died from mentioned lag spikes, unfortunately mis-timed clicks and just outright fumbling. However, I do personally feel that there's probably some sort of line between quality of life and the excitement/horror of workplace industrial accidents on the world's least OSHA-compliant station, and completely preventing accidental touches with gloves in my mind is a lot like installing an automatic stabilizing solution into dangerous chemicals, or giving miners actually radiation-resistant gear at round start. God I'd kill to have the industrial suit at round start, but it does somewhat change the very dynamic of risk that also seems to draw so many people in.

So I don't know. I personally am all for this, but the idea that this just slightly crosses the line into taming a core philsophy of the game itself makes me fret a little inside.

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Lord_earthfire - 05-30-2024

tbh, adding artifact-immunity via gloves highly reduces the likelyhood of artifact-induced accidents... which i am not a fan off.

secondly, this would grant people with gloves protection against force-touching artifacts if grabbed by other people. And offensive use of bulky artifacts already is not seen often.

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Doop - 05-30-2024

personally I think the chance of some random person touching an artifact and dying or causing some sort of emergency is very funny. like, the fun of it to me is that it ISN'T safe and there isn't a really good way to protect yourself unless you're in the artifact lab. I do think the lag spike thing and touching an artifact when you don't actually want to can be a problem but I don't know if I like having ways to mitigate against accidental activations completely.

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Kotlol - 05-30-2024

(05-30-2024, 05:08 AM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: tbh, adding artifact-immunity via gloves highly reduces the likelyhood of artifact-induced accidents... which i am not a fan off.

secondly, this would grant people with gloves protection against force-touching artifacts if grabbed by other people. And offensive use of bulky artifacts already is not seen often.

Well force touching means gloves don't block it. it means the slap you against it to make it trigger. So that's a way to go around.

OR.. just take off their gloves if you are going to do it.

I was aware of this one. But since it's super underutlizied as it is since it's super hard to do so. I do think it's not the worst thing to lose.

Quote:personally I think the chance of some random person touching an artifact and dying or causing some sort of emergency is very funny. like, the fun of it to me is that it ISN'T safe and there isn't a really good way to protect yourself unless you're in the artifact lab. I do think the lag spike thing and touching an artifact when you don't actually want to can be a problem but I don't know if I like having ways to mitigate against accidental activations completely.

In my opinion dieing since you make a mistake by doing a wrong interaction is fine.
It's not funny if you do a drag click and the game some how registers it as a touch.

The problem with accidental touches is the fact that if you run into an artifact and push it.. you are "TOUCHING IT" but it doesn't do anything.
If you are DRAGGING it you are technically touching it, not tieing a rope around it and pulling it along.
If you are clicking it to drag it... you can accidentally touch it and die from it due to missinput or lag. 


Quote: do personally feel that there's probably some sort of line between quality of life and the excitement/horror of workplace industrial accidents on the world's least OSHA-compliant station, and completely preventing accidental touches with gloves in my mind is a lot like installing an automatic stabilizing solution into dangerous chemicals, or giving miners actually radiation-resistant gear at round start. God I'd kill to have the industrial suit at round start, but it does somewhat change the very dynamic of risk that also seems to draw so many people in.

The major risks of artifact shouldn't come from the game/computer/server being janky at that moment. This is NOT anything like you suggest.
Industrial armor stops rad damage wich is minor to begin with and protects you from explosions, but this only happens if you are RECKLESS.
If you are careful it won't happen.. unless you lag spike next to an exploding rock or explosive. Wich sucks too, but you already decided to "TAKE THE RISK" of setting off an explosive. You can completely ignore radiation and explosives as a miner.

As an art scientist. You do not have this luxury. You cannot avoid explosions since you don't know if it will explode. But it sucks the most when you want to take it an artifact to the lab and OOPS you lagged and now you are dead. Even before you could decide how to test the artifact.
It's just lame in my opinion.

Compared to miners, this is dieing because you grabbed your pickaxe and clicked self-destruct and it killed you due to lag. But the self destruct button is right next to the grab your pickaxe button. All it does is slow down the grabbing the pickaxe so you can mine to then take the risk of explosions and radiation.

Grabbing an artifact to drag em and then dieing is not fun to die in artsci. You can push artifacts freely without triggering this so why should pulling come with that risk too?

Another way I guess we can go around it that's not "gloves" is just giving art-sci a cargo cart or have the forklift be able to bring it safely.
Atleast something that stops the "Accidental click death of rng"

If I wanna die to artsci it's cause of my poor handling or such. Not "I click pull but it registers as click and it's a borger, now im a borg." That's not me going for a risk.. that's me being borged for trying to move an artifact...

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Zamujasa - 05-30-2024

accidents are funny

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - mralexs - 05-30-2024

Maybe have the reaction be delayed, for slapstick cartoon style shenanigans

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Kotlol - 05-31-2024

(05-30-2024, 08:21 AM)Zamujasa Wrote: accidents are funny

They can be, but pulling artifacts being a crap shoot for interactions is not.

I also thought of maybe some tool to safely carry them around like a handcart.

It also always bugged me that "Pushing" and "Pulling" Technically do not count as touching.
Like you are physically pushing and pulling it.
It's one of those lil inconstitencies that gameplay wise make sense or else you can never touch any artifact safely.

But why not add that lil bit extra? Well that was my idea.

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Soleil - 05-31-2024

I've always just right clicked artifacts and clicked Pull to be extra safe when handling dangerous ones, but I'm with Zamu on this one, accidents make for really fun moments and I genuinely don't think the staffies in the hallways after a rad storm should have to take off their insulated gloves for their artifact touching sprees.

RE: Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - Kotlol - 05-31-2024

(05-31-2024, 01:40 AM)Soleil Wrote: I've always just right clicked artifacts and clicked Pull to be extra safe when handling dangerous ones, but I'm with Zamu on this one, accidents make for really fun moments and I genuinely don't think the staffies in the hallways after a rad storm should have to take off their insulated gloves for their artifact touching sprees.

The right click methode also has killed me a few times when dragging artifacts. For some UNGODLY reason it thinks pull means "TOUCH"
I wouldn't have tried to make a seperate topic on this if "this" didn't happen.

And no it isn't "you left click insted of right click" It litterly is.. "Right click, go to pull, click, artifact sucked me in"
This has happened mostly in small lag spikes, but also once without lag. It's rare but that's why I want some sort of security over it.
Gloves are one, new item called a "handcart" second, 3rd clicking it with "help" insted of grab will not trigger it either.

Also the handcart would just be a safe way of moving stuff around via pulling I guess?

Saying it's an accident is one thing. Another is just when you get borged cause your pull click became a touch click -.-'

Either way we can forget the glove idea and use the other two methodes as a base line. I just think "SOMETHING" needs to change. The worst one had to be when I was being extra slow and careful to not activate an artifact with right click and pull and it still activated :/
At that point I am not laughing at my own death, at that point I am shouting at the game going: "How is it not pulling?!"
I am laughing when I do left click and go: "I am an idiot XD"

To reitterate: "This is like having the delete cloning records button right next to the clone player button." and making the buttons slightly overlap so it's more likely to accidentally click delete records. 

The only TRUE safest way is to open "Pull nearest object menu" move the pop up window away from the screen, click artifact and then walk. And then do it everytime someone shoves it out of your pull range... and then it just becomes TEDIUM :/