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Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them.
We all accidentally touched an artifact that kills us... when we just wanted to drag them or click something near it.
It's a bother especially for security and science who just want to move them.

So Cybertripping in questionable suggestions suggested: "Help intent won't have you touch the artifact"
I do not hate this idea technically. It's a good idea to avoid accidental clicks, but I think we can do better.

"If you wear any type of gloves, the artifact will not activate"
This doesn't count for hand artifacts naturally, but big ones only.

It's simply due to the rule of: "Your hand is in a glove that could be carbon or silicon, but it's not your hand touching it"
So insted of going: "is your glove made of organic fibers or plastics" we are just going with: "Artifact won't go off"

This is more a QoL change for moving artifacts or grabbing them. Since I know a few lag spiked made me die horribly due to bad luck and those kinda death's just feel bad. Eitherway I think we do need a way to make "touching large artifacts" not be an accidental click.

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Touching Artifacts with gloves does not activate them. - by Kotlol - 05-30-2024, 03:29 AM

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