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Clarification on Miscreants
I have a few question's on the new miscreant objectives, as when I raised a few questions on OOC, nobody was really able to answer it..

1.What do miscreant objectives entail?
Not a full list, just a few examples. I ask this because I got a miscreant objective as the HoS, which was steal a non-assistant ID. The first thing that stood out was "welp, i'm a hos, why do I have an option of being shit", the second thought was "This is already a non-miscreant objective the staff assistant gets"

2.Are miscreants balanced out with traitors?
As in has the traitor count been reduced somewhat to make way for people with miscreant objectives?
If they have not, I'll be the first to say that they should. A miscreant even if they are being a major nuisance, are still something that security/the crew will have to deal with, and having that on their plate on-top of the traitor count, is quite frankly a tad bit unfair. That, and while a miscreant may not be a traitor themselves, they will be most definitely helping a traitor inadvertently by fucking with the crew.

3.Just how far can you take it as a miscreant?
The changelog states: "Miscreants ARE NOT TRAITORS for the purposes of the rules, so no murdering etc. but feel free to hack doors, steal stuff and generally be a nuisance"
One dude who clearly was a miscreant set the pool on fire with a plasma canister. This heated the air to the corridor adjacent to the pool and 1 or 2 peeps died. After arresting him and a short brigging, he came back and hacked all the doors of sec open, let off a n20 canister, so we arrested him again. Then after that he set medbay on fire.
I'm aware that while he thought he was being a nuisance, he might as well as been a traitor. I ain't no admin, but I can imagine this will be frustrating when these grey lines start appearing.

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