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Just have Traitors be on a team, traitor vs. traitor is lame
Sord213 Wrote:Don't turn traitors into "syndicate team without a nuke", or better yet, do but make it its own separate game mode. That would be pretty cool. Basically random crewmembers are the syndicate infiltration team and they get a special implant to talk to each other like robotalk and they get shared goals like traitor goals, except they all have the same goal and have to work together, but still get real names instead of DonkCo Superobvioussyndicateoperative #1. It would play out like team traitor, promote team play, and I think would be a ton of fun. Basically they should get an altered list of items to choose from, like syndies. No cloaks, things like that. Also the implant should act like a microbomb, and possibly do weird things when implanted into a non-infiltraitor.

I've been slowly working on adding two subsets to Traitor mode:
1) Hardmode, where none of the traitors get telecrystals and all the objectives are weirder freeform things
2) Team treason, which is pretty much what you described. I do run that occasionally as a custom round, I'll give five people a set of shared radios and a goal like "subvert and replace all the station heads" or "storm the bridge and hold it at any cost" or whatever. It's usually really damn fun.

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