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Adjust arcfiend wirehopping ability & chases
(04-10-2023, 09:08 PM)nefarious6th Wrote: i've always been meh on arcfiend as a gamemode because of the high-evasiveness and the really low...momentum for confrontation? arcfiends tend to sort of slurp up energy and then decide on the shuttle to chain stun people as their big villainous act.

tbh i dont see anything wrong with wirehopping specifically. from an arcfiend POV, power drain from per second use of wirehopping felt like enough to manage especially since i found movement on wires to be pretty rough and nonfluid. from a sec standpoint, i find chases pretty fun. i think having to play ahead of the curve with cutting wires is fun. as an engineer, i've never minded mending, it's something to do and re-wiring takes no time at all with instant cable laying.

what the chase does do is something that baba and glowbold mention: it makes other departments relevant. enlist their help more often.
it's not exciting confrontational ling-like gameplay as sec, but is it meant to always be that? even though it's not my favorite, i think there's a value in antag feels not being "same-y"

I got several problems with the arcfiend... Wire hopping is one of em, due to how lame it is to track someone through wires and snipping wires.
Also as stated.. he just drains an APC and moves on. Most Arcfiends won't destroy APCs since they can return there to recharge and thus a loop exists.
Cutting wires might be a way to go... but if an arcfiend drains the battery and then you cut the wire, now a department has no power.

Also wire chases aren't as involved as other antagonist chases.... Other antags might attack back, use tricks and traps. Arcfiend just wirezooms away.
So it's less involved too and even if you are good at it.. you will be snipping wires to end the chase.

Now my other problems with the arcfiend is more on the arcfiends POV. Just like Vampires, Arcfiends doing stuff is LOUD and you need to wear gloves since your victim will "never be able to be removed" Unlike vampires who can drain a players blood and kill them then toss em out of the airlock or make em a ghoul.
An arcfiend need to leave the APC behind always unless they wanna blow it up to get rid of any evidence. And as we know... the arcfiend has a bad way of fighting security.
Even their strongest kill technique costs a lot of energy and is slow and LOUUUUUUD and if it gets interrupted... it's wasted energy.

And while it has one of the best abillities to be a killer aka... "Radio jamming field" and can cause fun chaos with the magnet abillity.
I still think if the arcfiend should have two sets of drains as well.
"Loud and fast" , "Slow and quiet"

Anyway.. playing arcfiend isn't as fun since your best option is to run via wire hopping and that costs a lot of energy so you rather not use your killing/fighting abillities as it drains your running. And thus this loop of wire hopping and draining goes on forever till sec decides to end it aggresively.

As we all say... even with wire snipping. The chase is long and non lethal... and when you catch the non killing arcfiend whos just draining. You gotta decide to execute em ... while you don't want to cause they don't kill or let them go so you might have to do the chase AGAIN several times before they get executed.
And trust me.. on classic... security has more things to do then to chase an arcfiend for 15 mins and snipping wires. Cause that time allows a lot of other antags to get a huge footing. Remember that arcfiend ain't the sole antagonist in the round... so suddenly you are stuck doing this.

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RE: Adjust arcfiend wirehopping ability & chases - by Kotlol - 04-11-2023, 03:34 AM

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