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Adjust arcfiend wirehopping ability & chases
I would like...

Something. Like recently i had an arcfiend who was in like 3-4 seconds cutting every wire on a door. So pursuit required silicons, who even then would have been slow(we had no silicons they had zipped in and rogued them)

After 60 minutes of this they broke security down to the point of ignoring them. So trash talking on the stupid sec headsets in the bridge began (i hate those headsets so much its become discouraging to every round know come are compromised again but thats another issue).

I saw a stream of a round on 4 where an arcfiend in full syndie commando armor with sunglasses and a gasmask.followed a borg around killing peolle and if they ttied to approach they'd just arcflash then go in the wire.

I'm not sure how to address it. Maybe make it.continue to drain power at a much faster rate if still in the wire? Its the whole.wraith issue of fighting an invisible invincible opponent being discouraging. Maybe allow engineering to create very power inefficient and very obvious traps

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RE: Adjust arcfiend wirehopping ability & chases - by Silent Majority - 04-10-2023, 07:08 AM

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