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Respawn as a "Hologram"
I once made this as a joke suggestion in questionable.. but now after reading how Goon 1 the players avoid antagonists to avoid dieing... thus causing apathy.
I think to fix it we should introduce a new way of dead players rejoining the game.

NT's clever way of replacing dead staff in an emergency without cloning!

So how does it work?:

My idea behind this is simple. You sign up for a game as a job. You die... but you can't get cloned, but you want to get back as soon as possible.
So now insted of being possibly borged or Respawning.
You can give up any form of respawning to activate the Hologram of yourself.
Doing this makes a see through version of yourself appear, but.. you cannot interact with the living like a ghostdrone.
But you can do your job like a cyborg.
Yes you just get the tools like a cyborg to do your job as one.. without being one.

But... what if it's an antagonist or security?!

Security holograms cannot arrest and stun. If a security member dies and gets hologrammed, they can only "Holographic" mark off areas (Aka holographic security tape). Talk. Point out things, ticket people, set em to arrest and such.

As for antags. They become a "Glitchy Hologram" wich is basicly a clowny hologram that can just make noises and act weird. More a nuisance.. nothing different from a clown or mime hologram.

As for "flavor" jobs. They become staff assistant holograms, same outfit as their jobs, just the tools of staff assistants.

How does access work?

Despite being a hologram, you are bound by the rules of walls and doors and YOUR ACCES LEVEL. Wich cannot be changed. So unless you are an engineer hologram and hacking doors... you cannot get in.

A hologram gone rogue!! How do we stop it?

Same as cyborg, but they have the hologram matrix. If you missbehave as a hologram, the captain can "kill you" once your hologram is killed, no respawning as one till it has been "reactivated"

Holograms don't breathe, what if they go into space?

They "flicker" , becoming unable to do anything. You see the one thing that allows holograms to be holograms is one simple rule: "FLOORING"
If there is no FLOOR, they do not function anymore... the player has to move to a location with flooring to reactivate and be able to do anything.
Aka they gotta build bit by bit from the floor to continune one. (think like how Kudzu people worked)

I am an antagonist who wants no holograms, what do I do?

Shut off the holographic matrix or destroy it. Turning off the APC/giving no power doesn't work though.
You have to fuctionally do it yourself.

Holograms clearly cannot be full on borgs, but specialized ones. They will follow their own uneditable lawrack. If they die and respawn as one, their job slot naturally opens up for somoene else to spawn into it... but there are several other functionalities they get and interactions they cannot do.

1: Cannot grab or interact with certain tools with <<Player charaters/NPCs>> 
This is simply because...We don't want wraithful holograms. And you might think: But if a holograms of X job takes this tool they should be able to "stab a player"
No.. these items are the same as their job functionalities, but when used for other intentions it will just say: "Your photons cannot harm this organic life form"
Of course surgery holograms can cut if it's safe on a operating table, but the moment anything could "damage" players, it does 0 damage.
And of course holograms cannot grab or drag players as well as crates and such. Leave those to borgs.

2: 3 Arm functionality like borgs.
Well? Why not? You are basicly a "ghost borg" though your toolkit isn't based of the borg modules. Simply based on the job you taken.

3: Customsation!
I mean you can change your hue as a hologram... that's it.

As stated earlier...
Every job will have their own "hologram module" You cannot pick it.
Staff assistants have the most minimal kit.
And heads have their own set.

5: You are "Dead" and cannot talk
Holograms cannot "TALK" just use holographic modules similiar to the AI.

In conclusion:

Why do we need this? We don't really.. but ghostdrones are barely used and kinda suck...
So.. this will obiviously replace ghostdrones to some degree.
But I think it would just be a more fun way to stay in a round if you die and cannot be cloned/brought back.
It kinda sucks you are working on a huge project to die tragicly permanently and just go: "Welp thats my game"
Now you can spawn as a hologram and atleast finish the project... but you are basicly still "out of the round."
Though... some projects might be impossible as a hologram due to their restrictions.

Otherwise.. it's just a silly goofy thing.
And this is just a "draft"
Hopefuly I inspire you or not. Discuss away!

Messages In This Thread
Respawn as a "Hologram" - by Kotlol - 01-25-2023, 01:02 PM
RE: Respawn as a "Hologram" - by Kotlol - 01-25-2023, 03:00 PM
RE: Respawn as a "Hologram" - by Judobum - 01-25-2023, 05:49 PM
RE: Respawn as a "Hologram" - by babayetu83 - 01-25-2023, 09:10 PM
RE: Respawn as a "Hologram" - by Lord_earthfire - 01-25-2023, 10:08 PM
RE: Respawn as a "Hologram" - by Kotlol - 01-26-2023, 05:22 AM
RE: Respawn as a "Hologram" - by Lord_earthfire - 01-26-2023, 06:18 AM
RE: Respawn as a "Hologram" - by Kotlol - 01-26-2023, 10:47 AM

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