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[CLOSED PR] Changes to Traitor Generic Items
(09-05-2022, 10:50 PM)DioChasek Wrote: I only disagree with two the vuvuzuela gun and the pickpocket gun. The former because you could actually see that thing becoming a halfway meta weapon if everyone could get their hands on it for 3 credits, as it is only 2 jobs (not including spy their) can get a hold of it so the odds of it showing up are slim in a given round.

The pickpocket gun doesnt have as good of a reason, it s more of a "why are we giving this to everybody?" vibe.

Yeah, I honestly agree with the vuvuzela opinion, I was throwing around the idea of making it 6TC, a fair bit more expensive but if it really is strong enough to warrant people being consistently concerned, it's probably a good idea?

Pickpocket gun was genuinely a "why is this engineering, this isn't thematic at all." Also it's rarely seen outside of RP, from what I've played. I'd like to see people experiment with it cause it has a surprising amount of content.

(09-05-2022, 10:56 PM)Love Wrote: More traitor toys to play with is always a good thing.
Though I suppose at some point we'll have to start breaking them into themed sections for readability.

The guardbuddy replicator might be a bit hard for a non-RD to use.
And I worry the breaching charge will be a bit much. Every traitor round someone will low-effort their way into the armory.

Stims are probably priced fine to be incompatible with a lot of rampage items.
The donk provides a lot of the same functionality for much cheaper. And also heals you. Though the duration is quite a bit shorter. So probably fine.

Everything else looks good. Some might not see much use, but that's already true of a lot of items. And it doesn't hurt to enable gimmicks.

I expect there'll be an argument about the Vuvuzela, since only sec seems to generally be allowed the one-or-two-clicks-and-I-win things. But I know I'd like a nonlethal thing for traitors to have, for RP. Where there are more kidnappings and such. And the vuvuzela isn't exactly a stealth item, either. I hope it stays in, personally!

I really do hope people use bear traps and the pickpocket gun more, too!

It does solidify traitor as best antag, even more. But we should always be striving to make antags (well, and non-antags) more awesome and fun.
But heck, I'd not be for more choices and customization with other antags to get similar fun. Even if it means 'copying' from other codebases that have such.
Yeah, I definitely understand. Guardbuddy replicator was just because on the rare round that an RD pulled off a buddy replicator gimmick, it's always been funny to me and honestly it requires a lot of forethought and so you rarely see it, I feel like making it generalized will make it an item that people go "I want to base my round around this." instead of the average RD saying "There's way better options for less work." It also could be mixed in with mechanics and stuff since they are robots, hell even robotics, yknow? I just wanted to get it out of the RD only goody box.

I nerfed the donk a bit, cause ikea brought up that a 2tc box of 7 syndicate donks is a bit much. I made it 1tc for one donk, which is still pretty lenient but not nearly as absurd, what do you think of that?

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RE: [PR] Changes to Traitor Generic Items - by MomoBerry - 09-05-2022, 11:12 PM

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