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[CLOSED PR] Changes to Traitor Generic Items
Decided to add Input Wanted label to make a discussion thread, since I think it's important. I'm open to changes to pricing and if people aren't for stimulants, I'm also fine with removing that. Would need a lot of convincing to flat out remove a lot of the other items, outside of maybe donk pockets, since I honestly do not see the thematics of where they are outweighing their benefit to gameplay, and restricting them to specific jobs isn't a benefit to gameplay in my eyes.

If you have items you're interested in having generalized or moved around, suggest em! I had a few that I wanted to move around a bit but I wanted to address them in a separate PR, as I don't think they're as notably non thematic.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Changes to Traitor Generic Items - by MomoBerry - 09-05-2022, 09:55 PM

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