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I think the Captain and the HoS should start with a space law book in their room.
Now your probably thinking, "no, fuck space law, fuck space law forever" and I'd totally agree with you, but this book is different.
This book is blank. It can be filled in with a pen. It's has always been in the spirit of goon that security makes up its own law once it is fun, so this can be solidified with this book.

  1. Make up whacky laws and state them to the crew, or for the hos, make up what you think is proper security etiquette, like "Minor offenses such as breaking & entering, possession of stolen goods, etc, may be acquitted if the offender makes a contribution towards security funding" v
  2. There's a reason why I said two books. The captain may write some laws up, and so may the hos, and if they conflict, sure they might edit both books to look similar, or (preferably) they may argue bitterly and raise the already pretty tense relationship between the captain and the hos. Semantics v
  3. May increase the odds of people picking lawyer, and perhaps increase the occurrence of the ultra rare court case. Any reason for people to pick more obscure jobs like lawyer is only a good thing
  4. I was thinking the book should have similar properties to a bible, so you can beat people over the head with it and it makes the slapping noise. The person getting hit could get a message:
    You feel more obedient
    The actual effects of this are undecided, maybe causes them to talk in a different accent? Or reverse the effects of brain damage (and thus reverse the effects of the bible?) or both?
  5. Super easy to code I would imagine. It's just a resprited piece of blank paper to look like a book with scales on it and with a different name, and has properties like stated in 4.

Now your probably thinking, bar 4, this isn't really any different than getting a piece of paper and labeling "SPACE LAWWW" and then writing stuff on it. But any assistant could do that. This makes it look a bit more official, even if the laws in it have massive loopholes/encourage corruption/are pure and utter bollox.

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