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[CLOSED PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP
On rp especially security needs to be held to a higher standard in a lot of ways. There are very few problem players in my experience and this is coming from someone who rarely plays sec. Shrinking sec access on rp is silly for several reasons. In universe it makes no sense that a team dedicated to protecting the station can’t access departments that notoriously need security backup regularly, there is the additional gameplay consideration that seconds can count in emergency situations say a ttv by a shit level antag/self antag trying to grief going off seconds which you lose every time you have to have the ai open a plethora of doors that you don’t have access to.
All it does is punish sec players. On rp a person who is consistently power gaming can be ahelped and eventually job banned or more if the situation warrants. Meanwhile the people who are worth a damn are left with inconvenience, and more complaints along the lines of “I radioed for security to come” meanwhile they can’t get in the front door because the ai is afk, the HOS is not on tha Captain is drunk and the HOP can’t be found.
I know you think it will help but all it will do is frustrate people.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-05-2022, 12:37 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-05-2022, 06:53 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Ikea - 05-05-2022, 09:30 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-05-2022, 01:33 PM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-05-2022, 01:52 PM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Cal - 05-06-2022, 02:48 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by Ikea - 05-06-2022, 02:54 AM
RE: [PR] Removes Secoff lite AA from RP - by DioChasek - 05-08-2022, 05:35 PM

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