Mentor Application - Skorps [Scrapper 14 / Rusty Scales / Zepp Yokto]
i dont think skorps is a bad player or anything but my many experiences with them havent really demonstrated mentor capabilities.
ive been in, out, around engineering mostly with skorps in the department but havent witnessed a lot of teaching; I can think of probably a few times 4 or 5 months ago they taught people engine setups but havent seen much activity from them since. same with security, I've played a lot of rounds but have only seen them teaching once.
something else I think worth mentionng is that when in a sort of..."esteemed role" in a round, if you will, one that has the ability to really contribute or steer for the server on the whole, skorps tends to close off rp opportunities to a handful of already well-established players they have overarching character arcs with. this I think is true of antag rounds, but I also think back to the nations matter; very different matters and different pops and paces and such, some more chaotic and poorly realized than others, but the feeling of being excluded or disengaged from whatever the greater story trying to be created is common to both types of experiences; and even if i dont have an awareness or opportunity to participate in whatever is being escalated, by the end, just because of the nature of the head or antag or event role or whatnot, I end up dragged in feeling confused and off-step with whatever is going on that only a handful of people are really steering or aware of.
i dont think skorps lacks a certain attitude or anything, i just am not sure the same openness to engagement is always extended to everyone regardless, and i have concerns about how meta info would play into that and how selectivity in engagements as a mentor will be perpetuated and appear to players on the whole.

tentative neutral leaning slightly towards a -.5, if you will.

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RE: Mentor Application - Skorps [Scrapper 14 / Rusty Scales / Zepp Yokto] - by nefarious6th - 05-02-2022, 02:34 PM

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