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[CLOSED PR] Security health implants only send out an alert on death.
I'll post here what I posted on the PR:

Some thoughts: Security doesn't exist in a vacuum. That miner in crit who can't speak because of a mutation sure does wish he could notify someone of his condition. Removing the alert also detracts from medbay. I know at least on RP a lot of doctors will wear what I like to call a "Field medic" set, and go out of their way to leave medbay to help injured crew. They can't do much for a person if they're already dead. The way this is framed seems to revolve solely around the way security responds to a situation. I wasn't even aware security had access to the medical alerts beyond security officers linked in the system. Overall, this change does a lot more harm than good, and seems to lean in to the rampaging side of the game.

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RE: [PR] Health implants only send out an alert on death. - by swinglow20 - 04-20-2022, 02:57 PM

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